What we do

We do research to support the transition of our shared global food system toward one that fosters healthy, sustainable and equitable food access and security, while preventing a range of chronic and infectious diseases. 

Our team and collaborators cover a range of expertise including epidemiology, public health nutrition, population health, systems science, social science, law and environmental science. That means our research answers a range of policy-relevant questions and the evidence we generate is designed from the start to support policy solutions that advance population and planetary health.

Our approach is grounded in a commitment to global collaboration with principles of equitable partnership, the integration of policy relevant evidence from multiple academic disciplines, and incorporating essential perspectives and insights from stakeholders. 

How we do it

Global Collaboration

We know if we want to advance solutions for our biggest global health challenges, we need to work together across countries and sectors. In order to support improvements in policies that foster health and prevent disease, we work with researchers and stakeholders in policy and practice from around the world.

Evidence Integration

The prevention of chronic disease, reducing emergence of zoonotic disease, and tackling anti-microbial resistance are complex global challenges that no one scientific approach can solve. We rely on multiple disciplines and perspectives to gather and integrate evidence to best inform policy design and evaluation.

What we work on

Global Food System Transition

We generate evidence to inform policy and governance approaches to support a global transition toward health, sustainable, and equitable food systems.

Disease Prevention Policy and Systems Change

To respond to complex global health challenges, we use systems methods and approaches to ask and answer questions that inform systems change.

Global Partners and Allyship

We are identifying opportunities and strategies to promote equitable global health research partnerships and multi-sectoral evidence integration.